Thursday, May 31, 2012


Yep, I'm in a few quandaries now.  We've been in this five-bedroom, two bath, full basement and attic storage house plus a two car garage with workshop and rafter storage for 16 years now (17 in the same city) and we're moving to a 3 br, two bath, hard-to-get-to attic storage no garage, no basement house.  For the past years I've become a hoarder, yes, I admit it.  I've had to touch everything I've sorted and packed only to realize I don't have room in the house in which we're moving to even store the boxes I already have packed that rest in a storage facility at present.  That's not even half the problem.  We have to move into a donated, rented small 2 br, one bath one closet farm house (thankfully with a huge garage) until the house I mentioned first is cleaned, painted, re-carpeted and dry walled.  Everything has to go to storage or into the rented garage.  How do I plan for the things that are necessities for a month, two, three while we live in Rented Wonder?  Who knows?  I'm overwhelmed now and just want to eat chocolate.  Aaaarg!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


It's official.  We've resigned from our church.  Sadness. 
Things haven't gone as we had planned concerning our move either but we have discovered in times past that our plans are not God's plans.  His are much better so we just wait and watch what he will do.
I'm also resigned to the fact that I must now pack---everything.  I've been putter-packing a little here and there but's different.  The trouble is that we will be in a temporary home for a few months, 2 or 3, until we clean and remodel a rental house that will be available for us on July 1.  That means I need only pack the essentials....hmmmm.  For a crafter, everything is essential.  One never knows when one will need a certain something.  I think the reality is hitting me hard that I will not have time to create for quite a while and I'm a bit disconcerted over that fact--wondering...What WILL I do?  I'm sure I will be very busy with the cleaning, etc. and, of course, there will be grandchildren around.  Silly me--I'll be busy, no doubt.  Still, the thought of not creating something for 2-3 months still weighs heavily on my heart.  There I go--not trusting God again.  I've got to start listening to the words of the VBS songs I'm learning--TRUST is the word of the week.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Half Empty

Yep,, that's me.  I don't mean to be negative but I've noticed that the negative response is usually what I make to almost everything.  I'm really a grateful person for: my husband, my children, my grandchildren, my house, my church, my friends, my pastor, my opportunities, my health, my family's health, my creative juices, my God-given abilities.  Yes, I'm a blessed woman.

Then, why am I so negative?  "I got tickets and the performance is at 7:30."  My response: "Wow, that's late."
"I made chocolate-covered strawberries but I forgot the milk."  MR: "I told you that you need to write down the recipe."
Now, why would I undermine him on those occasions of his generosity?  Am I one-upping him because I didn't think of those things to do?

I made a big coffee cake to freeze and take to our kid's house next week; I made bread for my "bread ministry;" I cleaned the house, I made jewelry to sell; I played for choir last night and got my music ready for Sunday; I sat in on an estate planning meeting yesterday;I packed boxes for the auction this week.  He didn't undermine me so what's going on here?  I've got to make an effort to be more positive and see if that changes my whole attitude on life.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Gloomy Day

I'm finding it difficult to do even the simplest things today.  I either drop what I pick up, lose what I've had in my hand or bungle whatever my hands find to do--not my best day.  I'm blaming the barometric pressure but I really think that it's because today makes three months since my sister's death.  I'm accepting it as "just a bad day" and tomorrow will be better.  It will be good to see my church friends tonight.