Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Emotions are on the rise.  Friends and demands on my life are taking its toll.  Whenever I'm stressed, I spout.  Oh, I wish I wouldn't take things out on my DH--and I mean that d in the dearest sense.  He's had to bear the Wrath of Sally all these years, poor man.  I many times I don't solve the root of the problem, as my daily devotional pointed out today, and I wallow in uncertainties until I'm over the breaking point.  I must clear up a few pressure points so I can deal with the "real" pressures of life that are out of my control.  Fortunately they are not physically threatening and easily contained if I've given myself space to deal.  As a matter of fact, I'm looking forward to stress #1 and just need some time.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Needing Advice

"A" at the shop has accepted clothing from a new "seamstress."  She's awful.  I'm a self-taught seamstress and don't know the fine points of alteration but I'm a far cry better than the other one.  I'm really not jealous, I don't think, but I do want to tell A that she is greatly lowering her standards by having that stuff in the shop.  A seems oblivious to that fact that the other girl is so bad.  She says the girl is really nice, sweet, etc. and that she is thinking about possibly sharing the expenditures of the shop and relocating.  Maybe that's why she's accepting her clothes--probably.  She won't get customers, at least not the ones she's had before if that poor a quality of clothing is there.  Should I tell A what I think?  Should I just leave it alone because she will probably have to close soon anyway?  Should I stay with her and be associated with extra poor quality?  Should I just wait it out?  What do you think, T?--Hope you are much better today, T.